
In these free days, I have started learning how to code. You know computers has developed an important role in in our surroundings. And that is why learning coding is very much important. Apple-founder Steve jobs  once said that "Everyone in this country should know how to code ."
I want to say that many people might think that coding is all about computers but that's not true. I code and you should try it too. Because it lets you learn how to think. It's really all about every days problem solving. If you do coding, your reasoning skill and logical mind will develop.
Apart from that , I personally don't like biology so I would like to pursue a career on computer science rather than bio.
To start coding one needs nothing but a computer. Minor configuration is enough for coding.
Start coding one must learn a programming language and the should be an easy one that is python. Many teachers tell that python is one of the easy programming language to learn and after you that you will be able to learn the other ones afterwards.
There are many online videos and tutorils available to learn programming. That's completely free and full of fun. 
Try this. This would definitely help you.
Also career in software engineering is very rewarding and its necessity is increasing day by day.


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